martes, 28 de junio de 2011

JUNE 20-24


Ethics and values:
Ethics is the behavior that people have on how to cope with society and the values ​​are the principles that we received from early childhood. Instilled by our parents, teachers, religious and society. These values ​​do not question them, they are part of the essence of the approach, and individual conscience.

What should teenagers have to get permission for?
The things I have doubts about whether is right or wrong to make would have to ask permission and help from an adult you may already know what to do in this situation.

private properties:
I think they should respect and entering without permission may violate the privacy of people who own these properties or whether the owners kien. the alien must be respected.

tech expo:
I participated but not if you look at the projects of other students and I found some good projects.

Ethics and values ​​in school:
I think here at the school where they must demonstrate two things more because you are supposed come with an education and a while instilling this, both students and teachers.


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